Chapel Cottage, Llanishen, Chepstow NP16 6QT
UK Customers please add postage @ £2.00
per book (£4.00 maximum)
Overseas customers will be charged Surface or Airmail as requested
[Hibbert Family of St Albans] Mourning
An exceptional collection of 12 mourning cards ranging in dates from 1872 to
1915. There are multiple copies of some of the cards so that there are actually 22
items altogether, 3 are unusually elaborate. The collection £55.00
or the best examples of the 12 different items for £35.00 (ref 28/10)
[Amwell] The Parish Register and Tithing Book
of Thomas Hassall of Amwell
Hertfordshire Record Society, 1989. Tall 8vo, 281pp inc index, frontis, 6
plates, 5 maps. Quite a few of the register entries - particularly the burials - contain
anecdotes which give us details on women, children, illegitimacy, migrants, chancel
burials etc. The tithing book was Rev Hassall's record of the tithing customs and extents
of his parish. The register covers the period 1600-1657. M in F d/w. (ref 2532) £12.00
[Ashwell/Baldock/Knebworth/St Albans/Stevenage] Tudor
Churchwarden's Accounts
Hertfordshire Record Society vol 1, 1985. Tall 8vo, 216pp inc index, frontis
photo of the beginning of the St Albans (St Peter's) accounts for the year 1600. Dates
covered are 1563-1603 (Ashwell); c1540-1553 (Baldock); 1598-1609 (Kebworth); 1573-1603 (St
Peter's, St Albans) and 1575-1576 (Stevenage). A glimpse of the daily running of the 5
parishes in the period following the break with Rome by Henry VIII. M in F d/w. (ref 2518)
[Aston/Datchworth document] Schedule of Land
A schedule drawn up for the Board of Agriculture in 1894 of almost 700 acres
of land owned by Capt William Edward Freeman O'Brien, most of it (Aston Bury Farm, Aston
Park Farm and Aston House) tenanted out. The schedule is useful to both local
and family historians in that it breaks the estate down into 4 blocks and shows who are
the occupiers, of which there are 3. Manuscript on large parchment sheet [approx
25"x19"], nice and clean though multifolded. If you think your ancestor
might have been one of the 3 tenants, by all means check with us before you buy.
(ref 60/28) £12.00 post-free Not for export
[Herts/Middx border document]
Conveyance of Deacon's Hill Mansion and Park
This 1863 deed was drawn up whilst the mansion was being built, but it
clearly records the demolition of its predecessor on the same site (we
understand this 'new' mansion was itself demolished after the war).
Several other buildings are mentioned. As such it is quite a significant
piece of local history. Manuscript on 4 large parchment sheets. (ref
103/3) £20.00 post-free Not
for export
Hatfield - A Pictorial History
Sue Kirby & Richard Busby, 1995. 4to, unpaginated but 177 captioned
ills, mainly photos, some very handy sketch-map eps. Very slight damage to front
cover but still a F clean copy in VG price-clipped d/w. The title is still in print
at £13.99, this copy (ref 625/14) £7.50
The Parish Church of St Mary, Hemel Hempstead
in the Diocese of St Albans
Typical church pamphlet, 6th ed, nd but c1960. (ref 150/43) £1.50
post-free within UK
[Hormead document] Schedule of Lands
A schedule drawn up in 1889 of lands owned by George Branston Eyre. The
400 acres, all of it in the parish of Hormead, comprised the Hormead Hall and Parsonage
Farms, both apparently tenanted by Mrs Weyman - unfortunately no breakdown of the 400
acres was thought necessary. Manuscript on single parchment sheet [approx
13"x9"], nice and clean though multifolded. (ref 60/25) £10.00
post-free Not for export
[Kimpton document] Sale Particulars -
Kimpton Brewery.
Printed particulars for an 1892 sale of The Kimpton Brewery together with
several public and beer houses [The Boot, Kimpton; The Nelson, Marford;
The Fox, Whitwell; The Harrow, Bendish] and the interest in the tenancies
of 5 other beer houses [The Goat, Kimpton; The White Horse, Kimpton;
The Black Horse, Kimpton Green; The Whip, Kinsman Green; The
Shepherd and Crook, Slip End (near Luton)] together with cottages and plots of
land [including a pair of cottages on Kimpton Green; a house with
wheelwrights shop in Markyate High Street; a cottage near Arlesey Station;
Grove Cottage on the Harpenden Road]. The particulars are extremely
dilapidated due to long term storage in poor conditions - probably
condensation. Among many faults are the crumbled away right-hand edge and
terrible condition of an old fold, part of which is missing with loss of text -
it is now a very fragile document but we offer it for sale due to its
historical significance. With the particulars comes a large (32"x26")
multifolding coloured plan showing the Kimpton properties including an enlarged
floor plan of the brewery etc. This too is affected by poor storage, though much
less so than the printed particulars. (ref 299/101) priced for
condition at £12.50 UK post-free
[Little Hormead/Layston/Braughing/West Mill
document] Scheduling of Stonebury Farm under the 1864 Land Improvement Act
A schedule drawn up in 1889 covering the near-400 acre Stonebury Farm which
clearly straddled the boundaries of four parishes - a great pity it wasn't considered
necessary to break down those 400 acres on the schedule. Manuscript on single
parchment sheet [approx 15"x13"], multifolded. (ref 60/24) £10.00
post-free Not for export
How Royston and District Celebrated the Golden
Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Victoria 21st June 1887
Royston & District Local History Society, 1986. 4to in red card
covers, 42pp. Facsimile reprints of articles culled from The Herts & Cambs
Reporter. Some of the articles list the many people participating in the events.
VG clean copy - several available (ref 525/46) each at £3.00 post-free
within UK
St Albans Quarter Sessions Rolls 1784-1820
Hertfordshire Record Society vol 7, 1991. 197pp inc index preceded by very
informative 20pp intro, frontis ills of the Court House and Gaol. Quarter sessions records
are a vital source of material on people for which there may be little else to show they
ever existed. The records themselves are often under-used because of the time it takes to
go through them, so this calendar, chock-full of detail, is all the more desirable. M in F
d/w. (ref 7579) £12.00
The Parish and Church of the Holy Cross, Sarratt - A Brief Guide
Undated but fairly modern single sheet leaflet containing 4 paragraphs on the
village and a description of the church including 3 photos & plan. (ref 0000) £1.00
post-free within UK
List of Magistrates Appointed Under The Lunacy
Acts 1890-1891
Herts Court of Quarter Sessions, 1926. Tall 8vo, printed paper covers
(grubby), 31pp. (ref 0000) £4.00 post-free within UK
Bartholemew's Map of England & Wales -
Sheet 25
Undated (1910s-1920s?) 2 miles to the inch map, predominantly Herts, some ink
annotations. Blue paper covers on linen-backed map. (ref 0000) £5.00
post-free within UK
Hertfordshire County Handbook
Issued with the Approval of Various Local Authorities, nd but during WWII
(probably 1940). 4to, grubby card covers, 52pp inc many adverts, county map inside front
cover. Single Law Society stamp on front cover. (ref 0000) £4.00 post-free
within UK
Hertfordshire Acts of Parliament
There are about 8 original Acts in stock, all in the £4.00-£8.00 range,
post-free within UK. Please ask for details.